Last year exports converted to plus and renewed the highest history in three years. Industry and Normal Resources Department said that the export of $25.8 percent, increased by 25.8% from the previous year, accounting for $6,44.540 million and income increased by 31.5%. Trade balance achieved a surplus of over $2949 million, 13 consecutive years. Exports have reached $39.6 billion in 2018, and converted to plus with a peak-highest renewal in three years. The annual income was the first $600 billion, and the trade rate has also recorded its maximum of $2259.6 billion. The world trade ranking rose to 8 in nine years. Both exports of 15 major items such as semiconductor and petrochemical and semiconductors have increased two digits. The 15th item is the first time since 2000. Exports of traditional flagship industries such as semiconductors (28 billion) and petrochemical ($55.1 billion) were recorded for the highest performance and showed a solid increment. The rate of increase by it...